Derprosa™ unveils new brand identity

Derprosa™ has just unveiled a brand new look: a new website, a new brand identity and new means of communication for each type of film.
They have designed a new communication system with the aim of renewing and allowing the brand to evolve. It is visually more modern and therefore adequately captures Derprosa innovative essence. The images associated with each film have been simplified and unified to add a better sense of order and cohesion using unique, singular, suitable language.
The aim was to provide Derprosa with greater flexibility and a more effective, functional and coherent means of communication in line with the world of design, art, communication and graphic art. Using multiple geometric and chromatic combinations, a flexible system was designed, which clearly has its roots in the most avant-garde graphic design trends from the middle of the last century:
Visit the new Derprosa website to learn more about the story behind this real evoluTion!