Household products
Household cleaning products like dishwashing and laundry detergents, degreasers, or sanitizers are usually formulated to ensure maximum cleanliness and hygiene by eliminating particles, stains, grease, or germs from any kind of surface or material. Their formulas are steadily becoming more advanced and efficient to meet consumers’ standards for safe and effective cleaning products.
Their packaging should be designed to make products safe to use and easy to handle, while protecting its integrity and avoiding spillage. Integrating sustainability initiatives allows brands to keep up with consumer expectations for environmentally friendly packaging formats and materials.
To elevate a brand’s look and inform consumers with a quick glance, household products need eye-catching labels communicating clear messages.
Taghleef Industries’ portfolio of solutions help you achieve this no matter your final product. Our versatile wrap around label films provide a variety of finishes, and our pressure sensitive labels films, in coated and uncoated versions, can be applied to almost any container surface. Their resistance to moisture and chemicals ensures the label’s durability, while improved adhesion properties makes them a suitable candidate for reclosable seals of flexible packages. Thanks to a full container decoration, our polyolefin shrink label films maximize a product’s shelf impact to influence purchasing decisions, while also meeting criteria for recyclable packaging design. Special metallic in-mold label films are suitable to label PP containers and deliver a silver finish for high-end household cleaning products. Ti ’s flexible packaging films are suitable for stand-up pouches, which are increasingly being used as packaging formats to refill empty rigid containers and to minimize space take up during storage. This pack format can be used for liquids, capsules and powders and can be supplied by useful locking systems as zippers and screw caps.
Let Ti work with you to reDESIGN™ more sustainable personal care and cosmetics packaging and labeling customized to meet your specific requirements for performance, protection, and eye-catching aesthetics without sacrificing one bit of quality.
Main requirements
and hygiene
and Protection
and Aesthetics
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